Dual In-Line TDS Meter

  • Dual In-Line TDS Meter

Dual In-Line TDS Meter

Dual In-Line TDS Meter

Price: £75.00 (ex vat. £62.50)

The price shown is the total price - all you will pay, apart from the shipping.

  • Dual In-Line TDS Meter
  • The B & A (before and after) total dissolved solids meter provides a real time display showing the TDS before and after the membrane.
  • For example, if the before TDS is 100 ppm and the after TDS is only 5 ppm, your membrane is rejecting 95% of the incoming solids.
  •   If the rejection rate drops to 80%, a red light will flash to warn you that your membrane is compromised.
  • You will be amazed at the poor water quality normally found in the Great Britain Includes 1/2″ fittings.